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An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics

004-IntroAppliedGeostatistics, 11 January 1990

In Applied Geostatistics, the authors demonstrate how simple statistical methods can be used to analyze earth science data. They explain how various forms of the estimation method called kriging can be employed for specific problems. A case study of a simulated deposit is the focus of the book. This model helps the student develop an understanding of how statistical tools work, serving as a tutorial to guide the reader through his or her first independent geostatistical study. The text is aimed primarily at students of mining geology and engineering.

Cast & Characters

10-23Univariate Description
24-39Bivariate Description
40-66Spatial Description
67-106The Exhaustive Data Set
107-139The Sample Data Set
140-183The Sample Data Set: Spatial Continuity
196-236Random Function Models
237-248Global Estimation
249-277Point Estimation
278-322Ordinary Kriging
323-337Block Kriging
338-350Search Strategy
351-368Cross Validation
369-399Modeling the Sample Variogram
417-457Estimating a Distribution
458-488Change of Support
489-524Assessing Uncertainty
525-537Final Thoughts
542-547The Walker Lake Data Sets
548-552Continuous Random Variables