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Geomodeling is a team effort. The geomodeler needs input from the geologist, the petrophysicist, the geophysicist. In turn, the geomodel is prepared for by the reservoir engineer, the reserve specialist or the production engineer who needs it to make decisions about the reservoir.
But all these experts have not been trained in geomodeling. While several books teach geomodeling in details for geomodelers, there is no good source of general information about geomodeling for non-geomodelers who are involved in a geomodeling project
This reference will provide information for such people. It will also be of interest to any new beginner geomodelers as well as any advanced geomodeler who needs to better understand how others see what they are doing.
Originally, I published all most of this knowledge in 2015 as a series of papers in the Reservoir Magazine (published by the CSPG). The reference to the original series is available under GMDK publications.
The material provided here is a reformat of this series of papers. The technical knowledge is the same, but now split among multiple webpages. The online material also contains two additional chapters that were not published in the original series. These two additional chapters cover “Production Engineers and Geomodeling” and “Team Leaders and Geomodelers”.

See next chapter

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