Sometimes, all you need to move forward with geomodeling is to talk to a senior geomodeler.
I can be this mentor by helping you in one of the following ways. Don’t hesitate to contact me.
Let's discuss how I can be of service Message
Looking for an introduction about geomodeling?
Start by reading my online book called “Intro Geomodeling” and contact me back if you have more questions.
Looking for some material about geomodeling ?
Visit the page Bibliography which contains more than 100 references to books you can easily buy online.
Looking for online courses about some aspects of geomodeling?
Visit the page Training. By the end of March 2018, I will list there what courses I will offer later this year.
Having a question about geomodeling?
I’ll answer with pleasure for free. I’ll also give you the name of some reference material whenever possible.
You are a student or a academic and you need advice about a project you are working on?
I’ll help for free to the best of my abilities.
You are a professional and you need advices about a project you are working on?
I’ll help you for a hourly fee we agree upon upfront. The first hour will be free. It will be the occasion for both of us to see if I can indeed be of assistance for your project.
You are a consultant or a project manager and you need the help of an advisor geomodeler to win a project with a client or more simply to ensure the success of the project you are in charge of?
I can also help with this for an hourly fee we agree upon upfront and after we have both checked through discussion that I have indeed the skills you need.
Any other mentoring need not listed above?
Let me know what you have in mind and let see if I can help.
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