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Sandstone Depositional Environments

036-SandstoneEnvironments, 01 June 1982

A classic reference book designed for the petroleum geologist, field geologist, or sedimentologist, this volume emphasizes the importance of environmental analysis to exploration and production. Illustrated with over 500 color photos and diagrams of sedimentary structures and depositional models. Companion to Memoir 33. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Cast & Characters

1-10Characteristic Features of Glacial Sediments
11-48Introduction to Eolian Deposits
49-86Alluvial Fan Deposits
87-114Lacustrine and Associated Clastic Depositional Environments
115-138Fluvial Facies Models and Their Application
139-178Deltaic Environments of Deposition
179-190Estuarine Deposits
191-246Tidal Flats and Associated Tidal Channels
247-280Barrier-Island and Strand-Plain Facies
281-328Continental Shelf and Epicontinental Seaways
329-364Characteristics of Sediments on Modern and Ancient Continental Slopes
365-404Sedimentology of Submarine Fans