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Petroleum Geoscience

039-PetroleumGeoscience, 11 August 2015

This comprehensive textbook presents an overview of petroleum geoscience for geologists active in the petroleum industry, while also offering a useful guide for students interested in environmental geology, engineering geology and other aspects of sedimentary geology. In this second edition, new chapters have been added and others expanded, covering geophysical methods in general and electromagnetic exploration methods in particular, as well as reservoir modeling and production, unconventional resources and practical petroleum exploration.

Cast & Characters

1-29Introduction to Petroleum Geology
31-90Introduction to Sedimentology
91-117Sedimentary Geochemistry
119-149Sandstones and Sandstone Reservoirs
151-216Carbonate Sediments
217-229Mudrocks, Shales, Silica Deposits and Evaporites
255-271Seismic Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis
273-277Heat Transport in Sedimentary Basins
279-300Subsurface Water and Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins
301-318Introduction to Geomechanics: Stress and Strain in Sedimentary Basins
319-350The Structure and Hydrocarbon Traps of Sedimentary Basins
351-360Compaction of Sedimentary Rocks: Shales, Sandstones and Carbonates
361-372Source Rocks and Petroleum Geochemistry
373-384Petroleum Migration
385-425Well Logging: Principles, Applications and Uncertainties
427-454Seismic Exploration
455-488Explorational Rock Physics: The Link between Geological Processes and Geophysical Observables
489-5144D Seismic
515-544Interpretation of Marine CSEM and Marine MT Data for Hydrocarbon Prospecting
545-558Production Geology
559-580Introduction to Reservoir Modelling
581-590Unconventional Hydrocarbons: Oil Shales, Heavy Oil, Tar Sands, Shale Oil, Shale Gas and Gas Hydrates
591-602Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
603-637Geology of the Norwegian Continental Shelf
639-651Exploration Strategy