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Regional to Wellbore Analog for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Modeling: The Ferron Sandstone of Utah

056-FerronSandstone, 31 December 2004

The Ferron Sandstone is unparalleled as an analog for petroleum exploration and this exhaustive study will be the basis for many workshops and lectures in the years to come. The Ferron Sandstone is regional with extensive surface outcrops and significant subsurface control. The sequences within are used to understand and interpret seismic data in modeling reservoir architecture or building an analog. It also is an important coalbed methane play in Utah. The 22 papers that make up the volume discuss all aspects of Ferron deposition, distribution, sequence stratigraphy, evolution of coal sequences, development of facies and permeability, growth faulting, paleogeography and interpretation, flow simulation within the reservoir, and coalbed methane development in several Western USA fields including Helper field and Buzzard Bench field.

Cast & Characters

The Ferron Sandstone — Overview and Reservoir Analog
3-38Previous Studies of the Ferron Sandstone
39-58Searching for Modern Ferron Analogs and Application to Subsurface Interpretation
59-78Facies of the Ferron Sandstone, East-Central Utah
79-94Integrated Analysis of the Upper Ferron Deltiac Complex, Southern Castle Valley, Utah
Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations
95-124Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation in Shallow-Marine and Coastal-Plain Strata of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
125-192High-Resolution Depositional Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Ferron Sandstone Last Chance Delta: An Application of Coal-Zone Stratigraphy
193-210Stratigraphic Architecture of Fluvial-Deltaic Sandstones from the Ferron Sandstone Outcrop, East-Central Utah
211-226Regional Stratigraphy of the Ferron Sandstone
General Geology of the Ferron Sandstone
227-250Petrophysics of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah
251-278Facies and Permeability Relationships for Wave-Modified and Fluvial-Dominated Deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah
Outcrop Case Studies
95-124Sedimentology and Structure of Growth Faults at the Base of the Ferron Sandstone Member Along Muddy Creek, Utah
125-192Geologic Framework of the Lower Portion of the Ferron Sandstone in the Willow Springs Wash Area, Utah: Facies, Reservoir Continuity, and the Importance of Recognizing Allocyclic and Autocyclic Processes
193-210Geologic Framework, Facies, Paleogeography, and ReservoirAnalogs of the Ferron Sandstone in the Ivie Creek Area, East-Central Utah
Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations
359-382Modeling Permeability Structure and Simulating Fluid Flow in a Reservoir Analog: Ferron Sandstone, Ivie Creek Area, East-Central Utah
383-404Facies Architecture and Permeability Structure of Valley-Fill Sandstone Bodies, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
405-4263-D Fluid-Flow Simulation in a Clastic ReservoirAnalog: Based on 3-D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Outcrop Data from the Ferron Sandstone, Utah
427-450Three-Dimensional Architecture of Ancient Lower Delta-Plain Point Bars Using Ground Penetrating-Radar, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
451-500The Geometry, Architecture, and Sedimentology of Fluvial and Deltaic Sandstones Within the Upper Ferron Sandstone Last Chance Delta: Implications for Reservoir Modeling
Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations
501-528Coalbed Gas in the Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale: AMajor Upper Cretaceous Play in Central Utah
529-540Hydrodynamic and Stratigraphic Controls for a Large Coalbed MethaneAccumulation in Ferron Coals of East-Central Utah
541-550Helper Field: An Integrated Approach to Coalbed Methane Development, Uinta Basin, Utah
551-558Coalbed Methane Production from Ferron Coals at Buzzard Bench Field, Utah