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The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs

080-GeologicalInterpretationWellLogs, 22 July 2011

This book details the background of well logs, the diversity of logging operations, and the capabilities and limitations of various logging tools. It considers each of the principal open-hole logging tools and measurements made by each tool in terms of simple theory and acquisition of data.

Cast & Characters

13-30The Logging Environment
31-46Subsurface Pressure Measurement
47-54Temperature Logging
55-64Caliper Logs
65-74Self Potential Or SP Logs
75-116Resistivity Logs
117-146The Gamma Ray And Spectral Gamma Ray
147-186Sonic Or Acoustic Logs
187-210The Density And Photoelectric Factor Logs
211-238The Neutron Log
239-262Lithology Reconstruction From Logs
317-356Image Logs
357-370Facies, Sequences And Depositional Environments From Logs
371-408Sequence Stratigraphy And Stratigraphy