Engineering and geomodeling
Course facts
Duration: 1 day
Type: Classroom
Certificate: Issued upon completion
This self-contained course describes ways in which engineers (simulation engineers, reserve engineers, production engineers) can interact with the geomodeler to achieve their team’s goal: building a geomodel which captures how the geoscientists understand the reservoir and which help answering engineering questions. This course will explain how the engineers’ goal influence the geomodeling workflow. This course will also explain how the geomodeler can help answering engineers’ questions, being ones of computing deterministic or probabilistic in-place volumes or being ones of providing the engineers with a 3D grid tailored for being an input to flow simulation packages.
Duration and Training Method
This one day course is a lecture course. The day will leave plenty of time for discussion between the students and the instructor. The goal being to ensure any given session of this course is tailored as best as possible to the students’ specific work situation. The instructor will remain available for individual discussion in the weeks following the course.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding traditional in-place volumes computation with mapping.
- Understanding volume computation from a 3D-grid.
- Understanding how to integrate the uncertainties associated to each component of the geomodel (surfaces, 3D-grid, facies, petrophysics) for in-place volume computations.
- Ranking geomodels based on in-place volumes.
- Understanding the difference between a 3D geological grid and a 3D simulation grid.
- Understanding how to generate a 3D simulation grid from a 3D geological grid.
- Understanding how to integrate uncertainties having flow simulation in mind.
- Ranking geomodels based on flow simulation criteria.
- Understanding the difference between in-place volumes ranking and flow simulation ranking.
Course Content
- Introduction to the course and how its content fits within the whole geomodeling workflow.
- Examples of geomodels used for solving engineering questions (volumes, flow simulation).
- Geomodeling and in-place volume computations.
- Managing Uncertainties in geomodeling projects – in-place volumes.
- Geomodeling and flow simulation.
- Managing Uncertainties in geomodeling projects – flow simulation
Who Should Attend
Anyone who needs or who works in a team which needs a geomodel to be built to answer specific engineering questions related to in-place volumes and/or flow simulation.
Any geomodeler who needs to build a geomodel for engineers and who want to make sure his/her model is tailored to the engineering task at hand.
Don’t hesitate to contact GMDK if want to discuss how this course could be useful to your specific situation. If GMDK can’t accommodate your specific needs, we will do our best to orient you towards other sources of knowledge.
Very basic understanding of geomodeling: the general workflow (data gathering, structure, 3D grid building, 3D property modeling) and some understanding about the objects being created surfaces, 3D grid, properties populated in the 3D grid).
Thomas Jerome. Director of GMDK and 20+year geomodeling expert. See Thomas’ LinkedIn profile for more details.
Related Courses
Self-contained course. Coupled with the other courses of the Geomodeling Program, it will teach to anyone how to become very well versed in the art of geomodeling.
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