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Geomodeling for non-geomodeler

Course facts

Duration: 1 day
Type: Classroom
Certificate: Issued upon completion


This self-contained course introduces the general geomodeling workflow, its steps, its outcomes and how it articulates with the work done by geoscientists and engineers. This course is the perfect entry point to the world of geomodeling for anyone with the desire to discover and master geomodeling. It is also the perfect course for any geoscientist, engineer and manager who needs to understand how what they do can be used as input to a geomodeling workflow and how geomodeling results can bring light to their questions about the reservoir.

Duration and Training Method

This one day course is a lecture course. The day will leave plenty of time for discussion between the students and the instructor. The goal being to ensure any given session of this course is tailored as best as possible to the students’ specific work situation. The instructor will remain available for individual discussion in the weeks following the course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Definition of the different objects created through the geomodeling workflow
  • Capturing the main steps of the geomodeling in an organigram going from data gathering to providing input flow simulation and volume computations.
  • Being able to apply the organigram to real case studies by reviewing 3 published studies in different geological environment.
  • Understanding the questions engineers try to solve and for which a geomodel is required.
  • Understanding how geomodeling articulate with geology, petrophysics and geophysics.
  • Understanding the fundamentals of Geostatistics and uncertainty management
  • Seeing how to progress beyond this course on your own

Course Content

  • Introduction to geomodeling objects, to the overall geomodeling workflow and to geomodeling packages.
  • Overview of 3 real cases studies to see how the geomodeling workflow was implemented.
  • Engineering and geomodeling. Detailing how engineers use geomodel for flow simulation and volume computations. Introducing how engineers provide input to geomodeling projects.
  • Geoscience and geomodeling. Explaining the role of geologists, petrophysicists and geophysicists in providing input to and in reviewing a geomodel.
  • Geostatistics and uncertainties. Understanding what variograms, kriging and simulation are as well as introducing more complex algorithms like object-modeling and multi-points statistics. Summarizing what type of uncertainties can be managed in a geomodeling study.
  • Introduction to less common places where geomodeling is used. Explaining how geomodels are used for geosteering, for modeling FMI data and for modeling regional domains.

Who Should Attend

Anyone with a curiosity for geomodeling but not yet a real understanding of the fundamentals and the philosophy of geomodeling.

Any geoscientist, engineer, manager who is involved in a geomodeling project, either to trigger such project, to provide input to or feedback on such projects, to supervise an asset team working on a geomodeling project.

Anyone who desire to master geomodeling in the coming months and who needs a starting point in their quest. This course is self-sustained. But it can also be seen as a first step to be followed by taking other courses in geomodeling offered by GMDK. Don’t hesitate to contact GMDK if you need help deciding what path you should take (this course + books and self-study, this course + other courses, this course + courses offered by other institutions).


None about geomodeling. General understanding of what asset team tries to achieve, namely characterizing a reservoir in the goal of selling it or producing from it.


Thomas Jerome. Director of GMDK and 20+year geomodeling expert. See Thomas’ LinkedIn profile for more details.

Related Courses

Self-contained course. But can be also seen as a first course to follow progressively by some or all of the other geomodeling courses offered by GMDK.

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