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Geostatistics and geomodeling

Course facts

Duration: 1 day
Type: Classroom
Certificate: Issued upon completion


This self-contained course explained the fundamentals of geostatistics and where geostatistics finds their place in the geomodeling workflow. This 1-day course does not focus on geostatistical equations. The goal is help students understand, use and interpret the results of geostatistical algorithm efficiently.

Duration and Training Method

This one day course is a lecture course. The day will leave plenty of time for discussion between the students and the instructor. The goal being to ensure any given session of this course is tailored as best as possible to the students’ specific work situation. The instructor will remain available for individual discussion in the weeks following the course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding variograms.
  • Understanding the key geostatistical algorithms krirgng and simulation
  • Understanding how these algorithms incorporate geological, petrophysical and geophysical data and interpretation
  • Understanding of more advanced techniques like object modeling and multi-point geostatistics.
  • Understanding how geostatistics capture uncertainties.

Course Content

  • Introduction to the course and how its content fits within the whole geomodeling workflow
  • Example of published case-studies with a focus on how geostatistical algorithms were used.
  • Geostatistics and 2D mapping.
  • Variograms. Experimental variograms, variogram modeling, nested variograms and variogram maps.
  • Facies modeling (interpolation and simulation).
  • Petrophysical modeling (interpolation and simulation).
  • More advanced techniques such as object modeling, multi-points statistics and local geostatistics.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals to geostatitics.

Any geomodeler who wants to do more than just press buttons in a geostatistical workflow. Any geomodeler who want to understand how to parametrize these workflows and who wants to understand what went right, and what went wrong, in the results these geostatistical workflows computed for him/her.

Don’t hesitate to contact GMDK if want to discuss how this course could be useful to your specific situation. If GMDK can’t accommodate your specific needs, we will do our best to orient you towards other sources of knowledge.


Very basic understanding of geomodeling: the general workflow (data gathering, structure, 3D grid building, 3D property modeling) and some understanding about the objects being created surfaces, 3D grid, properties populated in the 3D grid).

This course and the course From geological contouring to geomodeling are complementary. But there is no obligation to take both courses as each is self-contained. Students who do want to take both courses can do so in the order that they want.


Thomas Jerome. Director of GMDK and 20+year geomodeling expert. See Thomas’ LinkedIn profile for more details.

Related Courses

Self-contained course. Coupled with the other courses of the Geomodeling Program, it will teach to anyone how to become very well versed in the art of geomodeling.

  • Hits: 2028